Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Course Review and Conclusion

Hello Everyone,
Looks like we have come to the end of this course. You guys have shared some very thought provoking discussions. Each one of you have done a superb job of adding to and advancing the discussions these past weeks.

As you continue on in your career as nurse it wll become more apparent as to why evidence based practice is important to help improve qualiy of life in patients. Let's take a few moments to reflect back as to why evidence based practice is important.

1. What EBP is?
2. Understanding EBP
3. What EBP is and What it isn't?
4. Steps of EBP
5. Quality and EBP
6. Concept of Quality of life
7. Quality and EBP in Healthcare
8. Anticoagulaion Clinic

Quality is a concept analysis that is very intriguing and important to me. It would be my hope to understand and incorporate quality more into my profession as well as instill the importance of it in others whose lives I may affect. Quality represents excellence in its highest fashion. As a nurse, healthcare professional, a teacher, or someone that is responsible for the care of another’s life it should be priority number one to give quality care. Quality care, quality education, and quality customer service is what everyone expects, and everyone should receive. There is good quality and bad quality, but the focus, concept analysis that is so valuable to me is good quality, better yet excellent quality should be the only definition that anyone that should focus on. Giving quality in everything that one does will greatly benefit all by giving the one that receives the quality a better outlook on life, and all facets that may be incorporated into ones being.

Course Goals:
Define EBP
Understand EBP
Strateges of EBP
Concept of Quality of Life
Quality and EBP

The purpose of a course on evidence based practice is to enhance nursing skills to have evidence to support the treatment foundation in caring for patients with evidence of a better quality of life.of our learners and prepare them to succeed in the world. It isn’t good to simply provide information and tell them what to do, it is teaching them how to do it and but why ou are doing it.

 Evaluation criteria of the instructor:
Relationship with students
Recognition of material to desired goals
Instructor strengths and weakness
Instructor’s knowledge of the material
Degree to which the learner objectives were met
A chance to share opinions of their experience, challenges, and suggestions for improvement


Introduction to Anticoagulation Clinic

Hello All,
I hope you have enjoyed learning the importance of evidence based practice especially in referenced to quality of life. As a nurse it is a necessity to give quality care because it help the patient have a better quality of life and accept their health condition. When a patient excepts their medical condition it will help the to be more compliant and proactive in regards to taking care of their medical needs.
Look at the power point and see if you can find the connection between quality of life and evidence based practice. What scenarios can you think of that will be an example of quality of life and evidence base practice?

Can't wait to hear your innovative thoughts and scenarios?
Keep the intriguing discussions going.

The Current State of Healthcare Quality & Evidence-Based Practice

Quality: A Concept Analysis

Hello Everyone,
Quality is a concept analysis that is very intriguing and important to me. It would be my hope to understand and incorporate quality more into my profession as well as instill the importance of it in others whose lives I may affect. Quality represents excellence in its highest fashion. As a nurse, healthcare professional, a teacher, or someone that is responsible for the care of another’s life it should be priority number one to give quality care. Quality care, quality education, and quality customer service is what everyone expects, and everyone should receive. There is good quality and bad quality, but the focus, concept analysis that is so valuable to me is good quality, better yet excellent quality should be the only definition that anyone that should focus on. Giving quality in everything that one does will greatly benefit all by giving the one that receives the quality a better outlook on life, and all facets that may be incorporated into ones being.

Pick a concept that you would like to discuss further. On the next meeting we will discuss further different types of concepts as the can be applied to evidence based practice.

Looking forward to anther thought provoking discussion.

Quality and Evidence Based Practice

Hello All,
How are you enjoying the course so far?

We have discussed the definitin of EBP, what EBP is, its understanding, and the strategies that are involved. This week we will put all of what we learned thus far and put it together to see how evidenced based practice can improve quality of life.

To understand how to improve quality of life one must undertand what it means.

     Meeberg (1992) states that Campbell, a sociologist states that the term “quality of life” was first used in America shortly after the Second World War. Quality of life was used to portray that there was more to having a good life than just being financially secure. De Haes & van Knippenberg according to Meeberg (1992) states that “quality of life” (QOL) has come to the forefront of health care realizing that the well-being of patients is just as important a consideration as the treatment of the patient for the sustainment of life. QOL has been used interchangeably with well-being by many. QOL decisions should be leaning towards improving and benefiting patients’ lives as well as their families. QOL is viewed as either subjective, objective, or both, and is conceptualized as either unidimentional or multidimensional (Meeberg 1992).
     Bishop (2008) shows how QOL is used objectively by stating that the objective component addresses norm-referenced measures of function or well-being. Objective indicators may include social indicators or outward material circumstances such as employment status, salary, martial status, ect, or physical function or symptoms that could be assessed by an external observer (Bishop 2008). Subjective QOL indicators provide estimates of satisfaction with life in general or with specific life dimensions as stated by Rosseler in Bishop (2008).
     Feld (2007) states that the Institute of Medicine defines quality as “ the degree to which health services for individuals and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge.”

     In nursing the identification of the concept of QOL consist of four critical attributes that are evident:  
Gurland and Gurland (2008) states that the goal is to find a model that most usefully contributes to understanding and improving the QOL of people would be one that is amendable to refinement through: (1) study of the ways in which the model works, (2) construction of methods for evaluation and measurement that focus on details of the models mechanisms, (3) drawing upon established bodies of science, (4) translating understanding of deficits suggested by the model into helpful clinical and self-care actions that can repair or compensate for those deficits, (5) the model should incorporate the preferred values of the whole person. A person’s QOL results from the process of acquiring or accepting potential choices and the choosing among them (GurlandGurland 2008).
QOL is a very important factor in nursing. Patients rely on nurses to help provide them and their families the best quality of life during one’s health care crisis. In order for nurse to provide QOL it is imperative that the nurses understand the importance of what is meant by QOL.
I would like to hear your thoughts on what quality of life means to a patient? How can we as nurse help patient to achieve quality of life?


Bishop, M., (2008) Quality of life assessment in the measurement of rehabilitation outcome. Journal of Rehabilitation, 74(2), 45-54. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from Academic Search Premier database.
Encarta World English Dictionary (2009), Retrieved October 5, 2009.
Feld, S., Repairing the healthcare system: What is the definition of quality medical care? (2007). Retrieved from http://stanleyfeldmdmace.typepad.com on October 5, 2009.
Gurland, B., & Gurland, R., (2008, October) The choices, choosing model of quality of life: description and rationale. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24 90-95. Retrieved October 5, 2009, doi:10.1002/gps.2110.
Meeberg, G., (1992). Quality of life: a concept analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing.18, 32-38. Retrieved October 5, 2009 from the CINAHL Plus with Full Text database.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Compentencies in Nursing and Evidence Based Practice

Hello Everyone,
I hope you all had an uneventful weekend. Today we will focus more on the compentecies needed for Evidence based Practice.

The questions I would like us to look at today is does EBP improve quality of care for patients? If so can you give me an example of how that can be achieved. Why would quality of care for patients be important.

Below is a powerpoint I would like for you to look at to give you a better since of what competencies are necessary and why. Keep up with the wonderful thoughtful discussion. Don't hesistate to let me know if you are having any problems with any of the assignments.

Link for powerpoint: http://www.acestar.uthscsa.edu/Competencies_Methods.swf

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Steps to Using Evidence Based Practice

Hello Everyone,

How are you enjoying learning more about evidence based practice? So far we have established what evidence based practice is and understanding evidence based practice. This week will will further explore the steps and strategies necessary to use evidence based practice and applying it to nursing practice.

I have notice that some of you are having some difficulty grasping or rather baffled about EPB, I am going to give you the link to help you see the steps that are needed to established evidence based practice. Let me know where you are and what you think! Can't wait to have a great learning experience this week. Looking forward to you wonderful thought provoking discussions.

For the next class I would like for you to think of something that you think would be relevant to EBP in nursing and we will use the steps learned in the tutorial to see if we can answer that question

Here is the link http://www.libraries.psu.edu/psul/tutorials/ebpt.html

Have a great weekend!

Evidence-Based Practice: What It Is and What It Is Not

Understanding Evidence Based Practice in Nursing

Hello All,
Its has been great reading your discussions. It is good to see that you find evidence base practice interesting and necessary. This week will continue to understand more about evidence base practice more and why it is need in nursing as well as the medical field.

Many may find themselves wondering what is Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and why is it so important? In the 21st century everyone wants one to prove why one thing is better than the other, with EBP that is what is happening. EBP allows one to have the research to back up the reason one takes care of a patient a particular way, or why one medication works better than another. In the next few weeks EBP will be discussed and hopefully at the conclusion one will understand  why EBP is necessary in health care today.

Here are a couple of questions that will help us to understand what EBP is:
What exactly is EBP?
Is nursing research and EBP one and the same?
Would quality improvement be the same as EBP? If not what is the difference?
How does EBP help the practice of nursing?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

What is Evidence-Based Practice?

Many may find themselves wondering what is Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) and why is it so important? In the 21st century everyone wants one to prove why one thing is better than the other, with EBP that is what is happening. EBP allows one to have the research to back up the reason one takes care of a patient a particular way, or why one medication works better than another. In the next few weeks EBP will be discussed and hopefully at the conclusion one will understand  why EBP is necessary in health care today.

Here are a couple of questions that will help us to understand what EBP is:
What exactly is EBP?
Is nursing research and EBP one and the same?
Would quality improvement be the same as EBP? If not what is the difference?
How does EBP help the practice of nursing?
